Monday, September 13, 2004

Sticky Chicken

I've been hearing about Sticky Chicken for years....little did I know that I already have the recipe (under a different name) and have been making it for a while now. Here is the recipe!

I highly recommend making a big ole batch of the rub (like 2 or 3 times the recipe) and keeping it on hand in a shaker bottle. When I get bone-in chicken breasts on sale for 99ยข a pound I like to rub them with this mix, throw a bunch of carrots and onions (celery too if I have it) in the pan, cover and bake it at 350F until it's reached an internal temp of 170F (about 60-90 minutes). Then I rip it apart and use it in other recipes....what's left of it, that is. It's a great way to cook a bunch of chicken with minimal effort. Very yummy. Makes the house smell awesome too.


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