Friday, September 24, 2004

Crummy Diet.

So I'm trying to adhere, not strictly, but generally, to this anti-inflammatory diet. It kind of sucks. No bread, no sugar, no pasta, no rice. I haven't had a pop since Tuesday. But it's supposed to counteract my rosacea, and I would really like to not be so beet red next to my perfect-skinned children when we have our family pictures taken next month.

So here's what I'm making for dinner:

Marinate salmon in teriyaki sauce if you have time. Bake or grill on the George. Cut up and toss with angel hair pasta (cheating), thinly sliced green onions, and a splash of teriyaki sauce. If you think of it, throw in some julienned carrots near the end of the pasta cooking time. Adds some color.

It's really yummy and not too terribly inflammatory, I think.


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